Hall, KC

Born in Bella Bella, BC
Lives in Vancouver, BC

Artist Statement

KC Hall was born in Bella Bella, BC, and was raised in East Vancouver. He is the grandson of hereditary Chief Irene (Wakas) Brown. At a very young age, KC always had an interest in illustration. In high school, he developed a passion for handwriting, lettering, and graffiti. After graduation, he began creating work on a larger scale, including paintings and drawings. While he was enrolled in the Northwest Coast Jewelry Program, KC became inspired by Nisga’a artist Robert Tait and the visual language of Northwest Coast formline. In 2016, KC designed and presented a blanket to Prince William and the Duchess of Cambridge while the royals were on a visit to BC. Currently, KC is creating work that can be described as unique and free-spirited. He is successfully combining traditional Northwest Coast design elements with his own distinctive style.

KC Hall
KC Hall
KC Hall
KC Hall
KC Hall
KC Hall