Featured Artist: David Wilson

Featured Artist

David Wilson

Art Rental & Sales at the Vancouver Art Gallery presents a selection of work by
Featured Artist David Wilson


David Wilson has a process-oriented practice which reveals the development of the painting throughout its creation. His loosely formed representational paintings begin with a literal image which then transform into works that touch upon the notions of time, decay and memorial. Personal notations are inserted throughout his work which speak to those ideas and subjects Wilson explores in his painting.


Wilson's work will be featured in our Showroom
January 10 - March 25, 2022

The Showroom is currently open by appointment only, Monday - Friday, 10am -5pm.
Please call or email us to book your visit.
604-662-4746 or info@artrentalandsales.com

IMAGE credit: David Wilson, The Wind in Our Faces, 36" x 72", Acrylic on canvas

David Wilson
David Wilson
David Wilson
David Wilson
David Wilson
David Wilson
David Wilson
David Wilson